Monday, June 30, 2008

The Duel Academy

Let's get your game on. Currently I am a card freak and you are probably wondering what type of card is that? Well, it is none other than the famous Yu-Gi-Oh! To many people it is frantically a waste of time and energy but little do they know the true value in playing this card game, it is actually to help boost a person's sportsmanship besides his/her ability to think critically and efficiently since there is a lot of combo that needs to be played in order to secure your victory. For me, I am currently playing a darkness beat down deck which focuses on speed and absolute power although the deck is only 40% complete but it can already win against a lot of other decks since mine got speed...=P Yu-Gi-Oh! is actually recognized world wide and has been made into anime(Japanese term for cartoons), models etc and last but not least CARDS!! There are actually a lot of duelist around the world and in west Malaysia(the place I will be going...) but in Kuching there are only professional duelist like me, my bro, Michael(currently the most pro among all of us) and others which can fairly add up to 20 person...haha. The best part about playing this game is it allows you to meet new friends besides improving your analytical power since you need to know your deck weaknesses and strength and ways of improving it from time to time. That's why you see those who play this card games are all clever and independent(most of them) Well, I will stop here for now. Till next time...Bon voyage.

P/S I personally hate Yugi. So, I hope that I didn't offended anybody with this small picture of him....=P


Hi, I am James Bong a.k.a Vice President. Nice to meet you all, I will be uploading this blog once to twice per month so don't put too much hope on this blog. I will usually post something nice from time to time, so stay tune and enjoy this first blog, it is my hobby. Hehe......Bon Apetite.